Everyone has a passion for social media. It connects people all over the world to share their thoughts and likes. Only through social media people get more likes for their views. But most of the times important posts made may go unnoticed or dropped carelessly aside. Negligence may be caused due to lack of time often. In order to recover from this facebook has come forward with a new algorithm ‘Story Bumping’. It replaced the facebook’s older algorithm Edge Rank.


The ranking of organic posts in facebook is being changed by the onset of its new algorithm ‘Story Bumping’.  In the older algorithm ‘Edge Rank’ the ranking of organic post is time bounded. It shows the posts which are recently added. But in ‘Story Bumping’ the unread posts of the user is made to appear on the news feed. So there is no option for dropping any of the posts unread. That is if you miss any posts running out of time in a visit there are chances for them to appear on the next visit. With story bumping face book doesn’t looks what is just ‘new’ but  what is ‘new to you’.


The preliminary tests on this new algorithm showed remarkable results. Statistics shows about 5% increase in likes, comments and shares on stories from friends, an 8% boost in stories from celebrities and an increase from 57%  of normal views to 70%. This tremendous increase is only because of the change in algorithm .



The new algorithm promotes the business page. In order to gain more likes and share concerns should post content rich stories in order to bump up from lot others.

For the past years quantity played a major role but due to the announcement of new algorithm once again quality rules over quantity.

Now its time for us to reconsider our campaign on social media to endure the recent update.