Posts from the ‘google’s new launch’ Category

Prepare Yourself for Google’s 2014 Algorithm Updates

New Year countdown has already started! You might have planned lot many activities to make your business glow. But wait a moment! Have you been prepared for the Google’s Algorithm change?

The year 2013 was a hard time for the SEO with Google’s Panda, #Penguin and Humming bird. Now the question is does really SEO dead? No ways!

Since the previous updates of Google are largely focused on quality content and links, we can expect more updates on these in the year 2014 too.

Content Marketing the Key to Success

Google always look forward user satisfaction. The contents in your website should be valuable and reliable. Quality content generates more leads and increases traffic to your website. Always write content for the people, not for the search engine.

You should focus on what type of content to be provided to satisfy user search. Should it be long or short? You may think that worthy content that explains a particular topic in depth should be long. But think of mobile users! Does they like to scroll 1000 plus words to get instant information. So create content that satisfies and saves time of the user.

Social Media

Social media always has its own place in this digital world. It connects people and their idea even it has the power to change the way people looking at the world. But are we using it in a proper way? Are we building strong profiles and making engagements in social network to boost our audience? The answer is definitely ‘NO’.

It is mandatory to strengthen your #socialmediamarketing. Now the number of +1’s in your Google plus profile decides the rank of your website. So the important substrate on which the social media is rooted is to establish Google authorship for your content and tie up with your Google plus account.

Advertising, PPC, Guest blogging too play their major role to build your sites presence on web.

Look at the past! Lear from the past! Get ready for the future algorithmic changes.


‘Speed Suggestion Report’ To Improve Page Loading Time


Page speed is an important ranking factor in Google’s algorithm. If the quality of the site is very high and the page loading time is more it causes only a little change in ranking strategy but still page speed plays a major role in ranking. If two websites have the same quality contents and links, the factor considered to rank them is the page speed. The quality of the site is better but if the loading time of the pages is high it does not attracts more traffic to the website.

Now Google has launched a ‘speed suggestion report’ to improve the loading time of the webpages. Normally Page Speed Insight Tools provide the average loading time of the page and performance reports. But now with the new speed suggestion report one can measure and visualize the performance of the website and also provides real and actionable suggestions to improve the loading time of the most visited pages of the website. The improvement in loading time provides better user experience and gets more conversion from your audience.

Three aspects of site speed report

The major three aspects of site speed reporting are,

  •  Page load time is the important aspect and the average loading time of a page can be found in page timing reports.
  •  Execution time of an event or user interaction
  • Parsing speed of the browser is another feature which gives information about the time taken to parse a document to available for the user.

The page speed insight tool provides the page score and suggestions. Page score ranges from 1 to 100 and this indicate the quantity of improvement made in the webpage. If the page score is 100 it implies that the page is prone to more modification to improve its speed.

When the suggestion link is clicked it provides suggestion to improve the page speed. Most of the time page speed is affected by the quantity of content or images in the site. If so the suggestions will be likely to reduce the amount of content before loading or to replace the larger size image by compressed image without affecting the quality.

If the site url is rewritten before displaying in analytics then the page speed insight tool will not analyze the webpage and it won’t provide page score or suggestions.

Video on Google Helpouts

Google’s “Helpouts” Help You to Know More on Real Time

Google’s “Helpouts” Help You to Know More on Real Time.

Google’s “Helpouts” Help You to Know More on Real Time

downloadI want to learn something through online, what will I do? Obviously, I will make a quick search on Google or just post a question on social media sites like facebook, reddif or use Google hangout and much more. We have lot other sources in online to aid us. Now Google has made us to rejoice by the launch of Google Helpouts to make us more convenient on real time search.

This helpout tool makes user to get help from experts through live video chat by paying them for their service. Presently Google has ‘how to’ you tube videos which helps the user to get instructions on doing a specific task like cooking, yoga or any other technical aspects. These videos are very much useful to the audience but they have a one sided demonstration. Some problems and lessons really need something more than a one-sided demonstration.  This empty space can be filled by making use of live chat videos in Helpouts. Here the expert can have a live conversation with the person and can identify the flaws and needs visually. So this helps people to get better result than other services.

Google has launched ‘Helpouts’ with the aim of providing services like cooking tips, makeup, health issues, yoga, music lessons, home repair tips,  and some technical assistances too.

How Helpout Works…?

imagesExperts in particular topic trade their service for a pay in Helpout. Now Google’s Helpout only have a limited number of experts in its group but this strength is expected to grow more. The services are offered in wide range of prices from free with volunteers to $20 up to one hour of usage.

Google allows user to rate the experts to whom they are engaging. This helps Google to choose the best expert to improve their service. The experts also have an option to block the user if they need to. This reduces spamming the service and Google offers very strict rules on preserving the identity and privacy of the people.

Another facility offered by Google helpout is ‘money back guarantee’, that is, if the service provided is not up to our needs we can claim our money back.

In helpout users are found out using their public Google plus profile, payment is handled by Google wallets and the prices are fixed by the experts providing the service. People who would like to offer free service can also join helpout. The live video chat will not be recorded but if both the parties agree to do so for later review it will be recorded.

It is clear that people will find helpout more useful than normal Google search and ‘how to’ videos. This service will be more helpful for the people in rural areas to learn technical issues that are not available in their areas without spending much money.

Regular SEO audit to maintain web presence

seo audit“The job of search engine is always to deepen the mystery of the algorithm”

As the above quote says the search engines are more interested in amending their algorithm and are constantly updating it. This creates an immense change in the ranking of a website. So it’s mandatory to perform SEO audit regularly to make sure your presence in the web and to improve your search engine ranking.

Why should you need an SEO audit?

As I said earlier search engines are updating their algorithm often. Every year Google changes its algorithm 500-600 times. These changes are minor and don’t have major effects but the recent changes in Google’s algorithm like Humming Bird and Penguin 2.1 caused a great impact on more number of websites. Only the websites with proper SEO audit survived and lot other websites lost their presence in web. So SEO audit is very much necessary to withstand Google’s algorithmic change.

SEO is changing each and every second. It is not the same as previous years since it has undergone a lot of amendments. So webmasters should update their sites to meet the rules and regulations of SEO.

What to do in an SEO audit?sa2

Crawl your website in order to find the error and collect the data for the analysis. Review all the meta data, such as title tags, meta description tags, heading tags and also evaluate the internal links, internal link structure, URLs for consistency and other duplicate issues. Look for 301, 302 redirects and 404 errors as well as server errors.

Check whether there are any additional pages generated automatically by the calendar. If so remove such pages. Collect all the backlinks of the site, compile and review them. Check whether the backlinks provided are good or a bad link pointing to a website. If the backlink is not worthier enough contact the website owners to remove such links from your page.

This is not a very easy task; it takes a lot of time and tiresome work. One must be patient and updated enough to maintain his presence in the web. So SEO audit should be made regularly to improve the ranking of one’s website in search engines organic search.




You have started your dream business! What have you done to improve your business? Are you wondering how to improve your business through facebook? Then the right choice for you is facebook marketing plan.

As a business owner you are aware of strategy- the only key for a long term success. When coming to facebook marketing there are three phases in marketing plan.fb mar

  • Attraction
  • Promotion
  • Sales

First of all you should build a strong facebook community. Normally more fans can be attracted to you by the facebook like button. Now facebook provides you the graph search to attract new people. Always engage with your audience so this may help you to promote your business.


Before getting into facebook marketing you should be very clear about the mission of your business. Lots of the successful brands give their credit to clear mission. It should precisely explain what is your company about and why should it exists? So you should be clear about the type of business you are in and how can you help people to fulfill their desires and needs. fb mar1

Make it crystal clear what you offer in your facebook page. Add a tag line which reveals the purpose of your business. Make posts that gain a lot of likes and make it sharable. Use various facbook tools to promote your campaigns. Continuously analyze the status of your page. Test and track the results since this may help you to know about what to do and what not to do? Don’t hesitate to learn from other successful facebook pages.


  • The content you posts should be short and sweet. Always keep in mind that only short contents score more shares.
  • Vary the type of the content. You can share audio, video, links, images etc.
  • Always respond to the people who share your post with a like or a comment. Encourage them to do more.
  • It need not be formal always. Make it fun, ask more questions, learn about their desires and  engage with them always. This brings more conversion for your site.

Social platforms like facebook offer a lot to the budding businessmen but it takes some time to get better result. So stay calm, have a well optimized facebook marketing service and stay close to people succeeded to watch their tricks and tactics and know what they do to grow their business through facebook.



   Most of us had thought just launching a business pays more. Those days have gone out of mind. A business can stand aloud only if it has proper branding. Why should we pick branding? Does business not exists without it? The answer to this is a big ‘YES’. As our business grows, we should be equipped enough to defy our contenders. At this time the weapon comes handy is ‘Branding’. ‘Strong brands have staying power’ says Kristie Rimmele her view on branding. About 30% of 100 most popular brands were developed before 1900’s, says a statistic report.

Branding deals with using logos, images, brand name or a word that captivates spectator. Fascinating logo, brand name makes you stand apart from a huge crowd. It provides unique identity for your business and improves the credit of your concern. Brand names and logos make targeted audience trust you.

The success of branding is not only in the hands of logo. This includes creating banners, stands, leaflets, uniform, magazines, newsletter, catalog, brochures, posters, promotional items like pens and pencils, key chain etc. Better branding improves the like for the products among the visitor and gives them an evergreen identity for your brand.


Some of the branding approaches are,

 Product branding:  In product branding uniqueness is given importance. A unique brand name is given to the product. Each product has its own image and name. There should not be same brand name for two or more products if so creates confusion and reduces relevancy.

Family branding: In Family branding a group of products in the market is given same brand name. This is entirely different from product branding. The purpose of this type of branding is to improve the sales and productivity of several products in a single brand name. This focuses mainly on customer loyalty.

Corporate branding: Here a single product may have more than one brand name. Corporate branding also called as co-branding deals with partnership between two firms. This is to promote a product using the name of the other.

Private branding: Private branding also called as private label. Here the product manufactured by a particular concern is bought and sold by another concern. The product is given the brand name of the concern who buys it.

 Creative branding: Creative branding is the smarter way to improve the branding idea in this highly competitive world. Most of the concerns opt for creative branding. Being creative in branding makes your business glow in a dark trench. Be creative! Stay long in your business line!


Stand out from the crowd


Everyone has a passion for social media. It connects people all over the world to share their thoughts and likes. Only through social media people get more likes for their views. But most of the times important posts made may go unnoticed or dropped carelessly aside. Negligence may be caused due to lack of time often. In order to recover from this facebook has come forward with a new algorithm ‘Story Bumping’. It replaced the facebook’s older algorithm Edge Rank.


The ranking of organic posts in facebook is being changed by the onset of its new algorithm ‘Story Bumping’.  In the older algorithm ‘Edge Rank’ the ranking of organic post is time bounded. It shows the posts which are recently added. But in ‘Story Bumping’ the unread posts of the user is made to appear on the news feed. So there is no option for dropping any of the posts unread. That is if you miss any posts running out of time in a visit there are chances for them to appear on the next visit. With story bumping face book doesn’t looks what is just ‘new’ but  what is ‘new to you’.


The preliminary tests on this new algorithm showed remarkable results. Statistics shows about 5% increase in likes, comments and shares on stories from friends, an 8% boost in stories from celebrities and an increase from 57%  of normal views to 70%. This tremendous increase is only because of the change in algorithm .



The new algorithm promotes the business page. In order to gain more likes and share concerns should post content rich stories in order to bump up from lot others.

For the past years quantity played a major role but due to the announcement of new algorithm once again quality rules over quantity.

Now its time for us to reconsider our campaign on social media to endure the recent update.


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